Try to avoid junk food, however utilize these cheats when in need. When you're on the road for twelve hours or more without any time to stop, or if you get to a destination at 10pm during the night, in some cases junk food is your only choice to eat. Places that serve lettuce wrapped burgers include Carl's Jr, McDonald's, Hardee's, In N Out, or Five Guys Burgers (some do it, some don't). You can also request chicken that is grilled on your salads, and request dressings that are low or no carb.
I 'd be lying if I said a trip is simple when you're dieting. The hardest part is finding things you can eat, or aren't fed up with eating, at your limited travel stops. It is difficult to make it through a trip on keto when there's no refrigerator or supermarket, primarily gas stations, travel centers, junk food and often, real food.
Try avoiding anything but water. You won't be moving a great deal when you're in the automobile for a few days, so keep hydrated.
Pack treats, ALL the snacks. Filling station snacks are limited to peanuts, sesame seeds and other stuff you'll overcome fast. They do have mighty good pork rinds and cracklins in the south at every gasoline station, so get a big supply down there like I did, or stock up if you're leaving the south and going north.
Do not torture yourself, and nobody is going to judge you for it. This is your one and just life, and when an opportunity to attempt something you can't get anywhere else turns up, simply take it and get back on track.
Get the wings. I feel like most places serve chicken wings nowadays, and most are usually really low or no carb. Simply ask if they're breaded first, most local-type locations don't bread their wings.
Little pleasures are crucial, however don't let a bag of beignets turn into pasta and doughnuts. Eating sugar, leads to eating more sugar, which leads to even more sugar.
Ask how everything is made. In Texas, you have numerous choices for ribs. Some are made with a salt and pepper rub, others are slathered in barbeque sauce.
Seafood is so low carb, full of protein and frequently fatty. Just do not get the fried stuff. Crab legs, crab claws and fish are all low carbohydrate and served with butter, butter and more butter.
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