10 Things Nobody Tells You About Keto


Welcome! You've taken the first step in kicking off your health and wellness journey. But I will warn you: if you are looking for a short-term diet to help you lose weight, this is not the diet for you. The Ketogenic Diet is not a diet, but a lifestyle change, a shift toward knowing your body and the things you need to eat to feel, be, and look healthy.

Now that I've been completely honest, let's talk about the Ketogenic Diet. While it has many advantages, certain drawbacks make it less glamorous, but this is because your body changes and operates differently than it is used to. If you still want to try the Ketogenic Diet after reading these ten points, that's fantastic! You have no fear!

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#1 Bathroom Business
Yes, let's get the nasty work out of the way. It's normal and a part of life for all of us. We all defecate and urinate, and on the Ketogenic Diet, this will be more often.

Diets affect everyone differently, although constipation and diarrhea are frequent. Humans typically ingest most of their calories as carbs, which feed them throughout the day. Keto is, in fact, the polar opposite. 


Your fat consumption increased, but it will decimate your carb intake. The fiber you get from oatmeal, carbohydrates, and bread will be removed. This can lead to constipation. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is the solution. Maintain proper hydration.

Another option is to take a fiber supplement, such as psyllium husk or a fiber tablet, to assist harden waste and making it easier to pass. The opposite side of the coin is diarrhea caused by a high-fat diet change. Fiber supplements and water consumption will also assist. 

However, pay attention to your body and change your macronutrients to how it feels. You'll notice when you go to the restroom, and it'll become habitual.

With the increase in water, urinating will become more frequent as well. If it isn't clear, it should be a very faint yellow. It may also smell, which is caused by your body's production of ketones. This is the aim. Drink additional water if your urine is dark yellow or brown.

#2 Keto Flu
Your body prefers equilibrium and is resistant to change. When this happens, everyone's body will respond differently. I haven't yet experienced the Keto flu, but I'm prepared for it. 


A Ketogenic Diet may not adversely affect a person who eats mostly clean, with the occasional sweet treat or carbohydrate-rich meal. An overweight person who eats fast food, packaged meals, drinks, and more carbs, is more prone to suffer the Keto flu.

According to what I've heard, it causes nausea, dizziness, headaches, exhaustion, and sugar cravings. Most of these are just the result of you denying your body the nutrients it has been accustomed to.

 Remember that your body is a living entity, and while you are a part of it, you are not the same as it. The consciousness that governs your feelings and daily routines are distinct from the living tissue that has been nourished with the incorrect fats, carbohydrates, and amounts.

If you want to prevent the Keto flu (which is not guaranteed), I recommend gradually transitioning to a rigorous Ketogenic Diet.

Giving up one thing at a time will allow your body to gradually adjust and learn what is and is not healthy. Instead of high-sugar soda drinks, drink plenty of tea and water. Caffeine withdrawal symptoms may occur, however, they are very transitory. 

Then add extra nutritious veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, and so on. Small modifications will assist you in avoiding the Keto flu.

However, if you're anything like me, you could benefit from going cold turkey on everything. I was well prepared to endure the horrible symptoms that would show me exactly how much this lifestyle I had chosen had damaged my body. 

Fortunately, that did not occur, and I hope it does not occur for you as well.

#3 Breath That Smells
There might be an additional incentive to have a pack of mints on hand or to brush your teeth more than twice a day. We create ketones when our body enters ketosis, and many people report a metallic taste in their mouths. Sometimes, the scent or taste is sweet or fruity. 


The body will start breaking down fatty acids to turn them into ketones, some of which is acetone, which smells like nail paint remover. If you smell this, it's a decent bet your body is in ketosis, but it's not a sure sign.

As with everything else on any diet, this will affect different people differently. Some people may never suffer Keto breath, while others may feel it for a few weeks. Because your body is an organism, it will adjust to your new lifestyle, resulting in the disappearance of your Keto breath.

There are several solutions to assist you in avoiding alienating friends and family if you have Keto breath.

1. The first thing is to drink water, which you should do anyway. Because everyone's body is different, there is no rule of thumb for how much water you should drink; instead, trust your body and how it feels. 

I normally drink half my body weight in ounces, so this may vary depending on whether I am losing or gaining weight.

2. Consume less protein. Yes, protein is important, but it is second only to fat in the ketogenic diet. When you ingest protein, your body breaks down the protein strands, producing ammonia as a byproduct with a foul stench. 

Lowering your protein consumption will aid in the elimination of unpleasant stench. Remember that if you reduce your protein intake, you must increase your fat intake since your carbohydrate intake will remain at or near 20–25 grams.

3. Remember to brush your teeth! Your mother and father were correct. To avoid odor on any diet, including Keto, you must practice proper hygiene daily.

 Bacteria build in the mouth when it’s not cleaned and maintained regularly, thus brushing and flossing regularly can help to avoid Keto breath. You may also have some mints, but make sure they're sugar-free, as mints might contain subtle quantities of sugar that can sabotage your efforts.

#4 Saving money
Cha-Ching. You will save money. When you look into fad diets or diets that provide a temporary solution to help you lose weight, you notice that there are charges, whether monthly or goods you must purchase to see any form of weight reduction.


This can take the shape of miracle pills,' powders that you must eat to begin your weight reduction, or even a mentor who has the ideal strategy to which you must adhere to reach your goals. All of this is common in our culture, but it is not required.

The Ketogenic Diet should persuade people to consume fresh, healthy foods, which are significantly less expensive than most people believe. The issue with today's culture is that, yes, you can.

While this $10 or less fee is appealing, it is only one meal per day and is wreaking havoc on your health, not to mention that you probably still buy groceries besides the fast food you consume.

When you start the Ketogenic Diet, you will spend a little extra money straight once stocking your fridge with new condiments, ingredients, fresh vegetables and meats, and maybe some seasonings to help your meals taste good. However, you will spend less money on food overall because you will not be eating fast food daily.

And you will consume less than you did previously. Humans often consume more calories than they spend, which leads to weight gain and overspending on food. 

It may dissatisfy some with having to buy organic meals. Organic foods are more expensive, but they are not required for success on the Ketogenic Diet. Grass-fed butter is not required, but it tastes nicer.

The bottom line is that you will spend less money on food since you will just buy groceries instead of fast food and groceries, and because you will consume fewer calories, your need to go to the store less frequently will also diminish.

#5 Alcohol
Don't get too worked up. Yes, you can still consume alcoholic beverages. However, it should be kept to a minimum. Your liver creates ketones that target fat while you are in ketosis.


When you drink alcohol, however, your life turns its attention from fat to burning off the alcohol in your body, which reduces your body's natural predisposition to burn fat. Avoiding alcohol should be your first objective, but if you must drink, pick low-carb beers, Keto wine, or hard alcohol with no sugar and low carbohydrate content.

You may discover that your hangovers are exacerbated, so you may wish to abstain from alcohol for a bit.

#6 Exercise
Most fitness and wellness plans include some type of exercise. This is also true for the Ketogenic Diet. When your body consumes calories, you must eat more.


A pound of fat is lost each week when your body burns 3500 more calories than it consumes. Exercise will aid in this process, but the sort of exercise you do will determine your success.

Aerobic exercise is any sort of activity, often cardio-based, that encourages the body to continue using ketones rather than glycogen, a stored sugar that targets carbs for energy.

However, be cautious since HIIT, or high-intensity interval exercise, is rich in energy and can quickly shift your body towards utilizing glycogen stores, regardless of if your carbohydrate intake is low.

Athletes that exercise with HIIT or CrossFit rarely restrict their carbohydrate consumption since they require this macronutrient to improve their performance and increase their speed, strength, and stamina. If they do Keto, it will be during their off-season.

Individuals on the Ketogenic Diet should engage in some type of strength training besides low-intensity exercise. Building muscle is also the most effective strategy for shedding weight on the Ketogenic Diet.

Some of you may believe that adding muscle bulks you up and causes you to weigh more. This couldn't be further from the truth. It's impossible to bulk up unless you're consuming a lot of protein and carbs to sustain your body after these strenuous exercises. 

This is not what I am suggesting you do. That is solely for persons who wish to take part in tournaments. Consider this: muscle requires energy to function even when your body is at rest. Your body is presently relying on fat for energy. 

The more thick your muscle is, the more energy your body consumes even at rest, which is stored as fat. Are you still not convinced? It's basic science: a man weighing 200 pounds with 150 pounds of lean muscle will burn more fat than a man weighing 300 pounds with 120 pounds of lean muscle. 

The idea is for your body to be a fat-burning machine even when you're not doing anything. The notion that muscle weighs more than fat is absurd. A hundred pounds of fat weighs the same as a hundred pounds of muscle. 

What I mean is that muscle is denser, which means it takes up less room in your body and helps you appear better. Finally, lower-intensity aerobic activities and weight training will assist your body in burning fat.

#7 Comments and Reactions
Expect people to turn their heads. You could believe this is a good thing, especially if you've been overweight for a long time and now others will notice. 


When I reached 25 pounds, my coworkers told me I was appearing tiny, but they compared this to my 235-pound physique two months previous. It was nice at first and boosted my confidence, but the number of people commenting on my weight reduction became unpleasant.

The Ketogenic Diet is commonly misunderstood, and some who commented on my diet choice opted to add their two cents, instructing me to check my cholesterol levels and blood pressure towards the end.

Certain fats influence cholesterol, but just as there are good and bad fats, there are good and bad cholesterols. This information is available, and I recommend you explore it because the Ketogenic Diet is not for everyone. If you have a history of high cholesterol, a different diet may be more appropriate for you.

Beneficial fats in your body, such as saturated, monounsaturated, or polyunsaturated fats, replace carbs. Consider these fats to be the oil in your automobile. They are required for your body to function correctly. 

These fats boost good cholesterol and reduce bad cholesterol in your body, allowing your body to function like a well-oiled Ferrari rather than a broken-down automobile that hasn't been serviced in 30 years.

The reality for this #7 reason is that you must learn to simply nod your head, let it roll off your back, and go on since, sadly, most individuals that discuss keto with you do not know what they're talking about, and once you know that, it won't affect you.

The emotions will be strong at first but will lessen with time as you move closer to your aim and eventually sustain it. Just remember that your path is unique to you, and no one diet is suitable for everyone.

#8 Consider Yourself as a Chef
Mostly, the days of ordering pizza, wings, and burgers and frequently eating out are over. You must learn how to cook to be successful. 


You don't have to become a chef like Gordon Ramsey, but you should be able to use raw items and produce home-cooked meals that adhere to your Keto macronutrient ratios. Is it possible to make all the meals on this list Keto-friendly? Certainly!

Keto-friendly options include wings, pizza, and burgers. Have fun searching for Keto-friendly recipes online and changing them. There are even premade goods, such as pizzas, that are minimally processed and low in carbohydrates to help you on your Keto journey.

Don't be deceived by the packaging; read the labels and the ingredients. If you aren't used to spending a lot of time in the kitchen, the best thing you can do is prepare in quantity and save the food in your refrigerator to take to work or reheat on your days off.

There are plenty of fantastic recipes that taste great as leftovers, as well as ideas for protein shakes that include lipids for a quick lunch on the road.

We'll have a complete post about meals later, but for now, just be prepared to spend some time studying about food and developing an enthusiasm for cooking. When you prepare and cook your food, you will feel incredibly fulfilled knowing where it comes from.

#9 The Calorie Is King
Most people struggle with this aspect of any diet: calculating calories and ensuring that all of their foods remain within their macronutrient ratios. Don't be alarmed! With practice, this will become easier. 


Remember how terrible it was when you first started driving a car, but you persevered and are now an expert? If you picked up a musical instrument for the first time, you probably weren't very good, but you practiced.

This, like everything else, takes experience, and you may even get to where you know exactly how much you should consume based on your previous knowledge and practice counting calories and studying foods.

The importance of macronutrients cannot be overstated. As a general rule, you will then alter and discover the right balance for you. Second, and most significantly, if you consume more calories than you burn, you will not lose weight. 

There are several formulae and formulas available to calculate how many calories you burn in a day based on your age, height, gender, weight, and activity level. These are only estimates, but you should include them in how many calories you consume. 

For example, depending on my exercise level, I normally burn between 2,100 and 2,800 calories. Because this is an estimate, I wear a fitness tracker most days, which provides me with a fairly exact calorie count.

Again, these trackers are estimates, but they increase your ability to measure your calories burned so you can correctly calculate how many calories you should eat that day.

IT WILL VARY DEPENDING ON YOUR LEVELS OF ACTIVITY. On a day when I spend 2,100 calories, I may only consume roughly 1,600, resulting in a 500 calorie loss. I'll lose 1 pound of fat if I do this 6 times more that week. I can eat up to 2,300 calories and still burn more calories than I ingest if I burn2,800 calories that day.

You should maintain a 500–1000 calorie deficit per day and never fall below the ideal threshold, which varies according to age, weight, and gender. Calories are king, and the only way to lose weight each week is to consume fewer of them.

#10 Choosing a Diet vs. Choosing a Way of Life
When I first started this, I aimed to simply win a workplace competition. I'd done Keto before and was aware of its benefits, but I'd never given it any thought in the long run. This is not the diet for you if this is your thinking. 


The word diet has a bad connotation because it conjures up images of a brief period of eating healthily and exercising until you attain your goal, only to revert to old habits of unhealthy food and sedentary living. This is not the same as eating a healthy diet.

Your diet comprises the foods you eat. Someone who routinely consumes processed fast food and drinks has a poor diet. A clean diet is one that comprises eating fresh vegetables and entire, unprocessed meals. A fad diet is not the same as someone's diet.

The Ketogenic Diet should be considered as a lifetime decision rather than a fad diet since, as with any diet, your body will evolve to adapt to whatever food you're feeding it.

This critical thinking necessitates an in-depth examination of your motivation for wanting to lose weight. Do you wish to reduce weight to seem more attractive to a potential partner? Want to slim down so you can flaunt your body? Do you want to be happier by losing weight?

If these are the reasons, then you should turn around right now. These aren't interesting reasons to become in shape. If you're not happy right now, reducing weight won't make you any happier. You must learn to accept yourself as a unique individual.

It may dissatisfy you with how you appear or how your clothes fit, but this should not cause you to be dissatisfied emotionally and permanently. If you will put your body through a radical transformation to feel better, feel healthier, and maybe live longer, you are ready to undertake a lifestyle change.

Is the Ketogenic Diet the only way to get healthy? Not. Is it straightforward? Not. Does it need as much effort and attention to detail as other diets and healthy eating? Absolutely.

The distinction is that your body will naturally target fat throughout your body and actively decrease it because of the meals you consume. If you're ready to make a change and see results, you've already taken the first steps toward a healthier you.


Disclaimer: Before beginning any new diet or fitness plan, please see your doctor or physician. Because everyone reacts differently, this diet may not be suitable for everyone.

Are you ready to begin your Keto Diet?  
Comment down below if you are new to Keto.

Lisa Lynn-Krazy Keto Kween
Keto On!!
